Part 106: Dight NPC Chatter 9
Welcome back!

: When Sue and I joined up, I don't think Gadwin had to "get used to us". Don't you agree, Sue?

: ... Huh? What? Sorry, Feena... I wasn't listening.

: Gadwin's not the type to change. I guess he's at a marriageable age, but he's only interested in training. The rest of us are kinda worried about him.

: Yeah, but why should you worry? I'm sorry if I'm doing something that worries you.

: Hmm... strangely enough, I think Gadwin has changed.

: Yeah, that's all done, but I came to talk with the village elder about crossing the Sea of Mermaids.

: Crossing the Sea of Mermaids? Very risky at this time of year, no? Anyway, you've taken the trouble to come back, so take your time.
Dight is cool. Dight isn't filled with freaky, oversexed, cannibal frog-people.
Just people who are excited to be making an honest living and getting food.

: I felt that harpoon in my hands! Oh, it was great. It was just great! Man, I wanna get out fishing again next chance I get. I can hardly wait!

: Yeah. I thought I better ask the elder how to cross the Sea of Mermaids.

: The Sea of Mermaids, eh? Even an ordinary crossing of it is dangerous. You know I'm gonna expect to hear some great tales about the Twin Towers. I'll have a big fish waitin' for ya.

: Heh heh. We have gone here and there, I suppose.

: It's true... we've been to many places together.

: And who's to blame for that?

: Well, I'm glad you came back. Are you going to be here for long? I hope you get a chance to rest.

: What's the matter, sir? You've been rubbing your hip the whole time.

: I thought I finally could go fishing again, and going all worked up about it. Then my back started hurting. Ouch! When I go fishing, my back gets hurt if I pull too hard on the nets. Looks like I'll be going to Dr. Alma's place for a while instead. Oh, well (sigh).

: Well, you know, I'm still in my growing years. I get a little taller every day.

: He wasn't just talking about your body. You've grown up as a man. There's no comparison to how you were before.

: Listen here! These days, it takes a brave warrior to cross the Sea of Mermaids. A big task!

: I'll go as far as it takes to find Alent! After all, we crossed the End of the World!

: Please come visit this village any time. We owe all of you so much. You'll always be more than welcome. Thanks to you folks, life in our village is gradually getting better again.

: Really? A new spell? What kind of spell is it?

: Huh? Ahem... oh Sunflower God, where are the sun and stars in the sky? No, wrong again! Listen, don't talk to me, OK? I'm trying to learn a spell to find out the right direction.

: Oh... ha ha. Sorry!

: Now, where was I? Oh yeah. Sorry, Sunflower God, who showed us the sun and stars in.... Umm... Huh? Something's different this time. Oh, Sunflower. Sorry, Sunflower God, who shows us the sun and stars in... uh... I forgot what to say next.
Oh, Datt. We can always rely on you to have something new to say. Assuming we stopped by the clinic to talk to you back while it was raining.

: Oh, how sweet. You worried about my health?

: What? Gimme a break! I don't worry about anything! Next time I catch some fish I'll let you cook them. Don't go anywhere. Even though you've been sick lately, once you eat some of the fish that I catch, you'll be better than ever!

: Aw, you've been worried about my health? Maybe you do have a soft spot.

: What?! Gimme a break! I just thought you oughta eat some of the fish I'll catch, that's all!

: Huh? Who, me?

: No, I'm OK. I'm just fine! ♥

: Oh? Well, all right, then. But if ya ever feel sick, go see Dr. Alma right away, OK?

: Ughh!? This mirror is too small. I... I can't fit into it!

: Ya ha ha! That's a winner!

: Hmm... that's me? I really blew it that time.

: Let's make up another Gadwin game. What'll it be this time?

: Oh no, I can't win against kids. Woo-ha ha ha!

: There's not been any competition here since both of my rivals've been gone. It's been a real bore. Everyone, let's just take our time. Let's tell some battle stories, eh?

: Oh, no, not again. I'd hoped we could avoid that subject.

: You guys beat me in earning the title "Heroes of Dight". But I'm gonna train and catch up. Heh heh heh. And then... and then I'll be a hero, too! So, let the rivalry begin! Good luck!

: Ha ha. Boy, you ARE forgetful. You need to work on your memory.

: OK, OK, let me try. It was someone named Jah... Jah... was is "Jahjan"?

: Not quite. Try "Justin".

: Oh, I'm so sorry! I have such a hard time remembering people's names.

: Anyway, who ever heard of a "Jahjan" before?
Thankfully, very few of the interiors have updated dialog at this point, so I should be able to wrap them up here.

: Who, me?

: You're looking rather worn out. You really should get some rest now.

: They say it can cure rheumatism and athlete's foot and it gives good fortune, but it also strengthens the luck of bad people.

: Ha ha ha! It figures that it would work in such odd ways, since Justin's the one who set the spear.

: That spear there, I hear it'll cure rheumatism and athlete's foot, helps families, and lots of other stuff!

: What a weird set of effects.

: But I guess it helps all kinds of people, so what the heck?

: At last, the villagers can return to their normal lives. The men can fish and the women can tend the homes. That old saying is true, "You don't know happiness until you've lost it".

: Right. I suppose that living a "normal life" is probably the happiest way to live. I'm already happy, and I wouldn't want to destroy this happiness.
On the one hand, "I can recognize that I'm happy where I am" is pretty insightful for a fifteen year old. On the other hand, "Fuck you, adult person! I'm happy doing what I am right now and I don't ever wanna change!" is decidedly less insightful, and more teenager-y. But the game seems to be hinting at the former interpretation.

: Hmm... would he become an adventurer like Justin? Hmm....

: Right! That's it! Then he'll be another great adventurer like me.

: OK now, enough teasing, Feena!

: To raise my son to be an adventurer who travels the world with you.... That's my dream now.
And finally, the Chief's house.

: Um, Justin... can this wait until tomorrow?
And that's that. For the dialog before Sue leaves.
Next time: More Dight.